Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. 
for ever and ever. Amen

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Prayer For Forgiveness

O God,

I need to feel that I have forgiveness from You. So often my good intentions do not become what I want them to be, and so often the good I want to do, I don’t do. It is hard to face up to the wrong that is in my life. When I feel Your forgiveness, I feel clean and good inside and so free to be what You want me to be. Help me feel this goodness, and strengthen me to forgive those who have wronged me.

I pray in the name of Christ who shows us the way to Your forgiving presence. 

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Prayer For Patience

Dear Heavenly Father,

Praise be given to Your Holy name for Your forbearance and mercy. You have dealt gently with Your children in love. You have been patient with me in my humanness and stubbornness.
Lord, through the work of Your Spirit, prompt me to be more jubilant in hope, more patient in times of trouble, and more consistent in my prayer life. Teach me, Lord, to wait with faith and expectancy, and may my trials be seen as times for growth in grace. Through Christ our Lord, I pray. 

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Friday, October 2, 2009

A Prayer For One By The Bedside


Please forgive me of my sins and particularly for taking Your promises and love for granted. You provide us relief from our tedious days through Your Holy Word, and permanently fill the void in our lives through the love of Jesus Christ. Help me serve as Your instrument during my life and concentrate on matters that have eternal significance. In Jesus’ name,

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Prayer Before Going Home

O Lord,

Thank you for restoring my strength and making it possible for me to return home. As I give thanks for those who have cared for me, help me to be mindful of others who have health care needs. Be with me now as I return to my daily duties so that I might guide others as You have guided me.

In Jesus’ name, 

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Prayer Upon Receiving Bad News


I’ve just heard those dreaded words that I’ve prayed not to hear. My spirit is shattered.
May world is falling apart.

I want to fight, to rebel, to flee from the reality of this, yet I know that You are there.
No matter how angry, deserted, disappointed I feel, Your love will never let me go. You will provide Your sustaining courage regardless of the future. Please grant me and my loved ones courage for whatever lies ahead. Help me to remember that You do understand everything about me, and want me to come to You laying all my burdens at Your feet.
In Jesus’ name, 

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Prayer To Sleep

Dear God,

As I lie here seeking another good night of restful sleep, give me the peace of mind and the ability to relax.

Fulfill my needs for mental and physical restoration so I may wake up ready for another beautiful day which I hope You will allow me to live to enjoy with praise and thanks to You and our Lord Jesus.

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Prayer For The Heart

Our most gracious and merciful loving Lord and Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your compassion and loving kindness. You know and supply all our needs.

Lord, You seek those who are lost, bind those who are broken, strengthen those who are sick. I know You are with me, O Lord. Your rod and Your staff will comfort me from affliction and protect me as I walk through this time of illness.

Dear Lord, I pray for Your continued divine care in my time of special need.
Please heal my heart, Or Lord. Give knowledge and strength to those who administer to me. Lead their hands and fill their hearts with Your inspiration and love.

Lord, I pray for those other than myself who have similar problems. May Your healing hand also touch their lives and their hearts and fill them with the love which comes only from above.

In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Monday, May 4, 2009

A Prayer For Strength

O Lord,

In this time of need, strengthen me. You are my strength and my shield; You are my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 

I know, Father, that Your eyes go to and fro throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts long for You. The body grows weary, but my hope is in You to renew my strength.

I do not fear, for You are with me.

I am not dismayed or overwhelmed, for You are my God. I know You will strengthen me and help me; that You will uphold me with Your righteous hand. Even as the shadows of illness cover me, I feel the comfort of Your strength, Or Lord.


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Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Prayer For Loneliness


I turn to You as my source of strength when I feel so alone. I think of Christ and know that the loneliness He felt in Gethsemane and on the cross must have been far greater than I feel now. Still, I find my feelings difficult to bear.

Thank You for being so accessible and understanding. Help me to overcome my isolation and to reach out to others once again.
In Christ’s name, 

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father
Who Art In Heaven
Hollowed Be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy Will Be Done
On Earth As It Is In Heaven
Give Us This Day
Our Daily Bread
And Forgive Us Our Sins
As We Forgive Those Who Sins Againsts Us
And Lead Us Not Into Temptation
But Deliver Us From Evil
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Prayer For a Patient Facing the Birth of a Child

Heavenly Father,
La vierge aux raisinsImage via Wikipedia
I thank You that the God powerful enough to create heaven and earth cared enough to create this new life within me. Thank You for this special gift of love. Please keep my baby and me healthy and strong as the time for delivery draws near. Give strength to my body so tha
t I can bring up my child in this busy world. Give strength to my soul so that I may teach my child to know what is right or wrong. Give strength to my spirit so that I may lead my child to know Your love for himself or herself. I pray all of these things in Jesus’ name.

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Monday, February 2, 2009

A Prayer For Fear

Heavenly Father,

As we kneel before Your throne of grace, we ask a special blessing and benediction upon us, Your people. We particularly pray that You will shield and defend us from the ravages of fear and anxiety. Place Your protective mantle around us and our loved ones that we will be fearful of nothing. Help us, Father, to change these times of fear and apprehension into trust and assurance. Keep us steadfast and resolute of purpose in serving You and in doing Your will. Forgive our weakness and shortcomings. Lord, hear our prayer, for we give You praise, honor, glory and thanks.

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Prayer For The Person With Emotional Pain

O Lord,

At this time of emotional pain in my life, help me to remember that You became man to grant us a perspective on the suffering of this world. You, too, were moved by intense feelings, and were at times angry, near despair and filled with doubt. You, above all, suffered at the hands of others and were misunderstood by many. Yet, You listened, always with rapt attention, to others in pain, offering them comfort and acceptance.

Teach me now to find new faith in You, in myself, in my doctors and helpers, and in my fellow man. I ask Your grace and courage that I might embrace my life and experiences as my own, good and bad, and begin my life anew today. Allow me that strength to communicate about my inner experience so that others, working through Your hand, may understand and accept me, and I may find Your peace within myself.

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