To make things worse, in extreme cases where you feel your only option is to change jobs, this might be impossible. Maybe this is because of your age, your set of skills and experiences, or your geographical location. It could be very difficult to find another job - whether in the same or a different industry. On top of this, there is the chance that your reference may be unfairly negative, perhaps because you have tried to stand up for yourself about the bullying. Unless your financial situation affords it, be careful about giving your job up and then claiming government benefit, as in many countries, you will have to prove that you were being bullied, which may be very difficult.
Sickness payment for mental stress from a place of work is not always guaranteed, so you may want to get some official public advice. Nervous breakdowns happens to many people, often when their own problems or particular sources of stress, remain undealt with. It is better to keep your health and and loose your job, than to fall apart with long term damage. However, if you have financial or family commitments it is understandable that you will feel trapped by your situation. What I can say is - get help from where ever you can.